Write your name, complete the answers in the cooperative document and take into account not to erase the answers of your partners.

Read the answers of your classmates and choose the person with the best answers.

Participate in the forum, write the name of the person you selected and explain why you selected his/her answers.

Escuela de Ciencias del Lenguaje

Sección de Lenguas para Fines Generales y Académicos

Inglés con Fines Generales y Académicos __

Teacher Name: Adrian Yaker Agudelo.

E-mail: adrian.yaker@correounivalle.edu.co



1. Make a research on the Web (at least 3 different sites) about the UX Research portfolio and answer the questions:

 Visited sites or sources:






https://medium.com/@userfocus/how-to-wow-me-with-your-ux-research-portfolio-2867001aec18 https://www.uxbooth.com/articles/should-you-have-a-ux-research-portfolio/ 

Luis Eneider Benavides:

LauraSofíaQuintero https://www.pixpa.com/es/blog/best-ux-designer-portfolio#:~:text=Un%20portafolio%20de%20dise%C3%B1o%20de,aborda%20sus%20proyectos%20de%20UX


Johan Stiven Mendez:



Mariana Carvajal

Paulo Andrés López 

a.   What is a UX Research Portfolio? 


A UX portfolio, also known as a user experience design portfolio, is a collection of work and projects related to the field of UX. In a UX portfolio, we can include a variety of elements to present projects effectively. These items may include. Project Description: Provide a brief description of each project you have worked on, highlighting the challenges faced, the objectives, and the role we played in the project


A UX research portfolio is a collection of work that showcases a UX researcher's skills, experience, and expertise in the field of user experience research. It typically includes a variety of artifacts that demonstrate the researcher's ability to plan, conduct, and analyze research studies to inform the design and development of user-centered products or services. 

3. Luis Eneider

A UX Research Portfolio is a collection of work that demonstrates a UX researcher's skills and expertise in conducting user research. It includes case studies, methodologies used, data analysis examples, research deliverables, and evidence of collaboration and impact. It showcases the researcher's ability to generate insights, communicate findings, and contribute to improving user experiences.

4. Laura Sofía Quintero

A UX design portfolio is a curated collection of your best work as a UX designer. You can include visual examples of your work as well as case studies from your project to show potential clients and employers how you approach their UX projects.

5. Johan Stiven Mendez Carvajal 

The acronym UX corresponds to User Experience, UX Research refers to the research process that seeks to obtain adequate information about users, their context, and their behavior in order to design products that meet their real needs. It is an essential tool to get to know the user better.

6. Mariana Carvajal

The UX research portfolio is meant to showcase your skills and experience to potential employers or clients through case studies of your past projects.

7. Paulo Andrés López 

 A UX (User Experience) Research Portfolio is a group of work samples and case studies that showcase a UX researcher's skills, experience, and accomplishments. It serves as a visual representation of the researcher's capabilities and provides evidence of their expertise in conducting user research and generating actionable insights.

8.Julian Albeiro Benitez 

A user experience research portfolio is created for the same purpose as any other portfolio. That purpose is to showcase your skills and experience to potential employers or clients through case studies of your previous projects.

b.   What are the elements, parts or components of a UX Research Portfolio?


The main components are: Introduction: Begin your portfolio with an introduction that provides an overview of your background, qualifications, and goals as a UX researcher. This section should give the reader a clear understanding of who you are and what you are trying to achieve.


A UX research portfolio can include the following components: Case studies, Research methodologies, Research artifacts, Findings and recommendations, Collaboration and teamwork, Visual and presentation skills, Personal contributions and growth.

  1. Luis Eneider 

These elements collectively provide a comprehensive view of the researcher's skills, experiences, methodologies, and the impact of their work in the field of UX research:  Introduction, Case Studies, Research Methodologies, Data Analysis and Insights, Research Deliverables, Collaboration and Communication, Impact and Results, Reflection and Growth.

  1. Laura Sofía Quintero

The elements or components of a UX research are: research study plans, tasks for usability tests. early concepts and sketches, wireframes used in testing, short quotes from usability tests or user interviews.

  1. Johan Stiven Mendez Carvajal 

Components are the pieces from which user interfaces are built. They help define navigation, interaction, and the way information is delivered.

  1. Mariana Carvajal

The main parts of a UX research portfolio are: an introduction or Biography, demonstration of your work (case studies), testimonials or references and social media or any way to contact you.

  1.  Paulo Andrés López 

A well-crafted UX Research Portfolio typically includes this elements: 

 Introduction, Research Process, Deliverables, Impact and Results, Visual Design and Presentation, Reflection and Growth

  1. Julian Benitez

Must have personal information to describe your background and motivations.

We must show our work history, educational level and what we are passionate about.

 We must give a straightforward description of what we can do and the skills we have mastered.

Attach some summaries of your previous projects in case you have them as well as evidence of work you have already done.  

d.   What is the function of each part? 

answers 1.


Objectives: This part establishes the objectives of the research, which may include understanding the needs and expectations of users, evaluating the usability of a product or service, identifying opportunities for improvement, among others.

Research Plan: In this stage, a detailed plan is drawn up that includes the selection of appropriate research methods and techniques, the scheduling of research activities, and the gathering of necessary resources.

Data Collection: This part involves the application of research methods, such as interviews, surveys, usability testing, observation, or analysis of existing data. The data collection is done in order to obtain relevant information about users and their interactions with the product or service.

Data analysis: A systematic analysis of the collected data is carried out to identify relevant patterns, themes and trends. This involves organizing, categorizing, and synthesizing data to draw meaningful conclusions and support recommendations.

Testing and Evaluation: Prototypes or designs are tested with real users to assess their effectiveness, usability, and responsiveness to user needs. These tests provide valuable information on how to improve and refine design solutions.

Results and conclusions: This part presents the results of the investigation, including the main conclusions and recommendations based on the findings. It focuses on providing actionable insights to drive user experience improvements and support informed decision making.


Case studies: Detailed descriptions of specific research projects or studies undertaken by the researcher. Case studies provide a deeper understanding of the researcher's approach and problem-solving skills.

Research methodologies: A section that highlights the range of research methods and techniques employed by the researcher. This can include usability testing, interviews, surveys, ethnographic research, card sorting, eye-tracking, and other relevant methods. 

Research artifacts: Examples of research deliverables such as interview guides, survey questionnaires, usability test scripts, data visualizations, journey maps, or any other research outputs that demonstrate the researcher's ability to generate valuable insights from raw data.

Findings and recommendations: Summaries or excerpts from research reports or presentations that highlight key findings, actionable insights, and recommendations derived from the researcher's research studies. 

Collaboration and teamwork: Showcase collaborative projects or experiences where the researcher has worked effectively with cross-functional teams, designers, developers, or stakeholders. 

Visual and presentation skills: Including visually appealing and well-structured materials that communicate the researcher's work effectively. 

Personal contributions and growth: A section where the researcher reflects on their personal growth, lessons learned, and any contributions they made to the broader UX research community. 

  1. Luis Eneider 

1. Introduction: A brief overview of the researcher's background, expertise, and areas of focus in UX research.

2. Case Studies: Detailed descriptions of specific research projects or studies conducted by the researcher. These case studies showcase the research objectives, methodologies used, data collection and analysis techniques, findings, and recommendations.

3. Research Methodologies: Descriptions or explanations of the research methods employed by the researcher. This section highlights the range of techniques used, such as interviews, surveys, usability testing, card sorting, etc.

4. Data Analysis and Insights: Examples of how the researcher has analyzed and synthesized data collected during research projects. This may include visualizations, graphs, or other representations of research findings that demonstrate the researcher's ability to derive meaningful insights.

5. Research Deliverables: Samples of research outputs or artifacts produced by the researcher. This can include reports, personas, user journey maps, wireframes, or any other deliverables that showcase the researcher's ability to communicate research findings effectively.

6. Collaboration and Communication: Evidence of the researcher's collaboration with cross-functional teams, stakeholders, or clients. This may include examples of workshop facilitation, presentations, or other forms of communication used to convey research insights and recommendations.

7. Impact and Results: Demonstrations of the impact and outcomes of the researcher's work. This can include metrics, testimonials, or examples of how the research has influenced decision-making, product improvements, or positive user experiences.

8. Reflection and Growth: A section where the researcher reflects on their growth and learning experiences. This may include discussions of challenges faced during projects, lessons learned, and how the researcher has evolved in their approach to UX research.

  1. Johan Stiven Mendez Carvajal:

The main components of UX design are:

-Button: Invite users to take an action, such as submit, authorize, download, or finish.

-Checkbox (checkboxes): Allows you to select multiple options at once and  It should go empty before the user selects it.

-switch: Activates and deactivates modes or options that are mutually exclusive and It is usually in the setup menus.

-Option button: They allow the user to choose a single option from a list of several and They are very helpful in the forms.

  1. Mariana Carvajal

Biography :Information about you, your process, and your work experience. A short bio section will usually do the trick.

Case studies: Demonstrations of your work. This typically takes the form of powerful case studies and supplemental artifacts showing the work you’ve done. Limit yourself to no more than 3-5 of your best projects that highlight as many of the core skills you see featured in your top UX research job postings.

Testimonials or references. Show that you’re proud of the work you’ve done and that former clients and colleagues are happy to voice their appreciation of your UX research.

Ways to contact and connect with you. Make it easy for potential employers to find you on social media like LinkedIn and Twitter (naturally, it’s best if these accounts are kept up to date and carefully curated).

  1. Paulo Andrés López 

  •      Introduction: It provides an overview of the researcher, their background, and their areas of expertise.

  •      Research Projects: This section highlights the researcher's past projects and case studies.

  •   Deliverables: The portfolio may showcase examples of deliverables produced by the researcher

  •    Research Process: This section outlines the researcher's approach to conducting user research.

  •     Impact and Results: The portfolio should highlight the impact of the researcher's work on product or service improvements.

  •     Visual Design and Presentation: A UX Research Portfolio should be visually appealing and well-organized.

8) Julian Benitez 

Report our skills and abilities in a clear and concise way to see if you are suitable for the job 

e.   What types of UX Research Portfolium do exist?


Complete Projects Portfolio: This type of portfolio highlights complete projects that you have been involved with as a UX researcher. You can include detailed descriptions of each project, from the research objectives to the methods used and the results obtained. This type of portfolio is ideal if you want to demonstrate your ability to carry out comprehensive investigations and offer solutions based on the findings.

Thematic Portfolio: Instead of using on individual projects, a thematic portfolio focuses on themes or Portfolio

Case Study Portfolio: A case study portfolio focuses on presenting

Mixed portfolio: You can also choose to create a portfolio that combines various approaches and formats. You can include a variety of projects


There are different approaches or formats that UX researchers can choose from based on their preferences and the type of work they want to showcase. Here are a few common types or styles of UX research portfolios:

  • Case Study Portfolio.

  • Methodology-Focused Portfolio.

  • Visual/Design-Oriented Portfolio.

  • Collaborative Portfolio.

  • Hybrid Portfolio.

  1. Luis Eneider 

There are several types of UX Research Portfolios that researchers can create to showcase their work:

1. Case Study Portfolio: Focuses on detailed case studies of specific research projects, highlighting the researcher's problem-solving abilities and the impact of their work.

2. Methodology-focused Portfolio: Emphasizes the researcher's expertise in specific research methodologies or techniques, demonstrating their proficiency in conducting research and deriving insights.

3. Deliverables-based Portfolio: Showcases research outputs like reports, personas, and user journey maps, highlighting the researcher's ability to translate findings into tangible design assets.

4. Industry or Domain-specific Portfolio: Focuses on research conducted within a specific industry, demonstrating the researcher's understanding of domain-specific user needs and challenges.

5. Collaborative Portfolio: Emphasizes the researcher's ability to collaborate effectively with teams and stakeholders, showcasing their communication and facilitation skills.

6. Growth and Learning Portfolio: Reflects on the researcher's growth and learning experiences, discussing challenges faced, lessons learned, and how they have evolved in their research approach over time.

  1. Laura Sofía Quintero Coy

There are 5 types of UX research portfolio, and these are: Case study portfolio, methodology-focused portfolio, visual/design-oriented portfolio, collaborative portfolio, hybrid portfolio.

  1. Johan Stiven Mendez Carvajal 

Portfolio Types: The portfolio according to whether it is private (confidential), learning (public, open to everyone) and continuous (public but restricted).

Depending on the purpose it has, three types can be distinguished:

Process portfolio - Portfolio of processes: captures in a document a sequence of events aimed at achieving pre-set objectives. The accent is placed on the how, rather than on the result itself.

Product portfolio - Product portfolio: Analyze the results of an action or several actions. The evidence includes both positive and negative results and a global analysis is sought in order to determine the degree of achievement of some objectives before the simple presentation of fully successful results.

Showcase portfolio - Sample portfolio: It is a showcase in which the best results of a process are collected. Its objective is usually personal marketing, it is the type of portfolio that artists use.

  1. Paulo Andrés López 

     Case Study Portfolio: This is the most common and effective type of UX research portfolio. It typically consists of detailed case studies that document the entire research process for a specific project. It includes problem statements, research objectives, methodologies used, data collection and analysis, insights gained, and design recommendations. Case studies provide a comprehensive view of your research skills and how you apply them in real-world projects.

     Project Showcase Portfolio: This type of portfolio focuses on presenting the final design solutions rather than the research process itself. It includes visual designs, wireframes, prototypes, and other artifacts that highlight the end product. While it may not provide as much depth in terms of research methodology, it showcases your ability to translate research findings into effective design solutions.

     Research Methods Portfolio: This type of portfolio emphasizes your expertise in various research methods and techniques. It may include descriptions and examples of different research methodologies you have used, such as user interviews, usability testing, surveys, card sorting, and more. This portfolio demonstrates your versatility and knowledge of research techniques.

    Visualization Portfolio: Some UX researchers choose to focus on visualizing data and insights. They create compelling visualizations, infographics, and data dashboards that effectively communicate research findings. This type of portfolio showcases your data analysis and data visualization skills, demonstrating your ability to transform complex information into understandable and actionable visuals.

     Writing and Thought Leadership Portfolio: If you have a strong inclination towards writing and thought leadership, you can build a portfolio that showcases your expertise through articles, blog posts, whitepapers, or research papers. This type of portfolio highlights your ability to articulate your research insights, theories, and perspectives effectively

8) Julian Albeiro Benitez 

 Qualitative Research.    Quantitative Research

  Attitudinal Research      Behavioral Research

  Generative Research       Evaluative Research

g.   Find an example online of a UX Research Portfolio.

  1. Eider Omar

 The link or portfolio :https://www.sophiebritt.com/

  1. Madeline 


  1. Luis Eneider 


  1. Laura Sofía Quintero


  1. Johan Stiven Mendez


  1. Mariana Carvajal


  1. Paulo Andrés López


  1. Julian Benitez
